"Happy Parenting Hitachi Omiya" is an official app provided by Hitachi Omiya City.You can distribute information to everyone raising children in Hitachiomiya City and use it conveniently.[Main functions]Register your childs date of birth, gender, and area of residence, and Hitachi Omiya City will deliver the latest information that matches the registered information.■ Child-rearing support informationYou can see information useful for raising children and frequently asked questions.You can search for the information you want with the keyword search function.■ Growth recordYou can keep a record of your childs growth.You can manage height, weight and vaccination status.■ Trouble consultationPlease feel free to contact us if you have any concerns about raising children.■ EventsYou can see event information for child-rearing delivered by Hitachiomiya City.You can also use it as My Schedule.■ Park introductionWe introduce parks in Hitachiomiya City.■ Frequently Asked QuestionsWe answer frequently asked questions and consultations about child-rearing.